Participant Portal

Welcome to the Participant Portal! This is where you will find everything you need to make the most of your role in the Diocesan Assembly in October. Scroll down for participant resources.

Participant Responsibilities

To be a participant in the Diocesan Assembly is an invitation to create space in your life for the ‘moment’ of the Diocesan Assembly. This is an invitation to feel excited about this space – the Diocesan Assembly will be a time out of the ordinary circumstances of your life. Therefore, you are invited to prepare yourself, heart, mind and body, for this experience. Each us brings to the Assembly our own experiences. We each bring a yearning, and we each bring an intention. This is one of the most important things to be aware because we all have an intention to have our voice heard, to be share our views, to be listened to and to be satisfied. So it is important to spend time thinking about our yearnings and intentions because our intentions influence or thoughts and therefore our behaviour.

Before the Assembly.

  • Pray! Prepare your heart, soul and mind by spending time in prayer and reflection ahead of the Diocesan Assembly. Use the Diocesan Assembly prayer.

  • Become familiar with the priorities identified by your community. (See the 2021 Feedback workbook for more information)

Scroll down for more participant resources

At the Assembly.

What to bring:

  • Water bottle

  • Pen

  • Any information from your local parish/school/community that will assist with your planning and discernment. Any feedback or planning documents submitted to the Archdiocese will be included in the Participant Welcome Pack at registration.

Come ready to participate fully in the three days: plenary sessions, prayers, listening, discussions, and discernment.

  • Arrive early to the sessions.

  • Get to know other members of our Diocesan family.

  • Listen and dialogue with openness and respect in your discussion group.

  • Be curious.

  • Be open to the movements of the Holy Spirit in the Diocesan Assembly.

Consider applying to be a member of the new Diocesan Pastoral Council.

After the Assembly.

Share the outcomes of the Diocesan Assembly with your community.

  • Plan a gathering

  • Develop a multi-modal communication strategy to reach as many people as possible (e.g. email, bulletin, in-person meeting, social media, website, etc.)

  • Excite your community with vision

  • Develop ways to get everyone involved

Work with your community to discern strategies and actions and enact the decisions made at the Diocesan Assembly.

Connect with other communities you met at the Diocesan Assemblies to support each other.

2022 Diocesan Assembly Workshop Process

This year’s breakout sessions have been developed as a series of workshops. Workshops will include input from presenters, time for small group discussions, feedback and Q&A. There will be six workshops presented concurrently in each round, each workshop is based on one of the six themes we have been discussing over the past year: Leadership and Leadership Formation; Formation and Spiritual Development; Inclusion and Healing; Responding to the Cry of the Earth/Poor; Outreach and Accompaniment of Children, Families and Young People; Parish/Community Life and Liturgy.

Participants will have indicated their preferred workshop themes when they registered for the Assembly

Workshop Round 1: Theological Foundations

Workshop Round 2: Practical Examples and Application

Workshop Round 3: Developing Strategies for Action and Mission

 Participant Resources

See also the 2022 Assembly page for general information and FAQs

Archdiocesan Information

Decrees of the 5th Australian Plenary Council

Additional Preparation Resources (optional)

The following resources are optional preparation materials. These resources are meant to assist participant develop a better understanding of the diocese and topics that will be explored at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly.

Papal Documents

Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) - Pope Francis’ first encyclical which outlines his vision for the Church.

Laudato Si - Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for the environment and the poor.

Amoris Laetia (The Joy of Love) - Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation following the synods of bishops on marriage and the family.

Christus Vivit (Christ is Alive) - Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation following the synod of bishops on young people.

Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters are We) - Pope Francis’ encyclical on social friendship.



Mission and Evangelisation
